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Shah Rukh Khan turns to books on Buddha to stay calm  

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Story of Shah Rukh Khan abandoning Islam and embracing Buddhism

These days a special bit of news has been published about Bollywood super star Shah Rukh Khan in a number of newspapers in Sri Lanka. It is that he is togive up Islamic religion and is to embrace Buddhism.

When we verified the truth of this it was seen that the story of Shah Rukh Khan becoming a Buddhist is an exaggeration.

what really has happened is that with the idea of pacifying his disturbed mind he has only begun to read some books on Lord Buddha.

Shah Rukh Khan has mentioned this in his private Twitter Account over a brief announcement made on 3rd June. It goes as: "Got a set of books on the life of Gautam Buddha.Excited to start reading them so that I can calm down a bit".

Shah Rukh has said so after the restlessness which he experienced when Calcutta Night Riders team recorded a win one after the other for the second time too at the IPL 7 tournament some time back, sending a number of messages across Twitter.

It is not sufficient to weave a story that he went so far, trying to convert himself to Buddhism.

Though Shah Rukh was by birth an Islamic devotee, his wife happens to be a Hindu. On a number of occasions he had said that he is not a person who is confined to one religion and religion is no discriminator of humanity. He had read many books on Buddhism somewhere around the year 2001 for his film 'Ashoka' and he had during that period been to visit the Dalai Lamai of Tibet.

He had even said that he had utilised the essence of Buddhist Philosophy for the film 'My Name is Khan' which was released after that.

He in reality is a person who knows Buddhism and who respects every religion. Reading Buddhist literature to calm his mind is something that should be appreciated.


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