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Mar 11

Flower-pots removed from Araliya Gaha Medura and thrown away now available at Rs. 50 each  

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Flower-pots removed from Araliya Gaha Medura and thrown away now available at Rs. 50 each

Flower-pots removed from Araliya Gaha Medura and thrown away now available at Rs. 50 each!

The fate that befell the stock of flower-pots which were removed from Temple Trees and also drew much attention

from the media in the country some days ago saying that unnecessary public expenditure would thus be cut off is not such a favourable one. In fact, those have now been left high and dry, moving towards destruction.

Though it was publicised over the media that for purposes of easy maintenance and with less expenditure those would be transported to Gampaha Henarathgoda Gardens from Temple Trees, it has not come to pass. Those who happen to visit the botanical gardens of Kandy would be able to see those thrown into an abandoned area there. The 45000 pots brought to decorate Sri Lanka for the CHOGM Conference were planted with flowers and adorned the walls of the Temple trees and as nothing else can be done to the plants those were removed, and at the time of removal they were found to be in a good condition. However, it is learned that the plants have been destroyed by being thrown away in this manner. What the botanical gardens employees remark is that the flower-pots are now kept prepared to be sold with a flower-pot priced at Rs. 50 per pot.

Seen below is the stock of flower-pots of Temple Trees which are now lying in the corner of the botanical gardens in Kandy.


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