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Story related in the company of wife Devika by Wijaya Nandasiri who left us  

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 Story related in the company of wife Devika by Wijaya Nandasiri who left us

Story related in the company of wife Devika by Wijaya Nandasiri who left us

It was the 30th milestone reached last year 2015 in the wedded life of the couple Devika Mihirani and the ever so popular actor Wijaya Nandasiri who bade us goodbye today forever. The two of them on that occasion engaged in an interview talking about matters related to their past.

* You who never forgets the stage ... what are you doing these days?
   This year, every weekend has been allocated for stage dramas. On some days there are stage dramas on Fridays also. Apart from that I take part in two tele dramas five days of the week. That is, the tele drama of Sarath Dharmasiri called 'Kinch gune' and that of Tolemy's 'Class Sinhala Class'. Shooting of two films in which I took part is over now. I have got an invitation for a film of Sugath Samarakoon which is to start next month. I am awaiting participating in it. This year I would be launching on a new stage drama.

During the course of this conversation Wijaya's loving wife peeped into the hall and cast a smile at us. Accompanying that cordial smile she addressed us in a graceful tone and then rushed in towards the house in an equally graceful stride hoping to prepare something to refresh us.

* Is Devika the unwavering handrail in your life?
   Certainly yes. The wedded life of mine and Devika who stays by me as a shadow has now reached 30 years. She's the strength of my artiste-life. Devika who attends to all activities in the house and the duties of a wife ... is like my own life. Since she attends to all these tasks, what I have to do is only to pick up my bag prepared for shooting activities and step out of the house. I know that all things such as clothing necessary for me, items of medicine, things to eat and drink etcetera are arranged in that bag.

Wijaya Nandasiri who is at home during the few days after finishing those activities spends his time in great relaxation and it is with a great liking that he lends a hand once in a way for gardening.

* That's also a good exercise isn't it?
   If I am at home reading newspapers and watching television is a part of my daily routine. And it is with a great delight that I water the plants in the garden. These things that I do ... instead of thinking it as an exercise I of course derive much exercise from the creative activities by engaging in acting.

Devika Mihirani who became a partner half-way through the conversation with Wijaya Nandasiri extended the dialogue about exercise in the following manner: "I of course don't need anything special to call it exercise because since our washing machine is on the third floor I have to go there three times a day. For me of course it's a food exercise.

* Do you feel a sense of loneliness because your son and daughter are not close to you?
   Daughter Nawanjana is in Australia. Son Rasanjana in America. Since the two of them call every morning I don't feel they are distant. Because they speak over skype and because I take my dramas over there frequently we don't feel their absence very little.

Wijaya Nandasiri says this in view of the joy which wells up within him when recalling the children. Son follows his education in Aviation ... but he is very much in favour of the Arts. He has a number of abilities in the Field of Arts. After he went abroad he assisted us all aspects such as lighting, drumming, singing and acting. Even daughter can handle all this. What son says is that he would one day be like his father. Devika attends to all domestic tasks in the house. There's nobody to give her a helping hand with that work, it is a family custom to for her sisters to come over and assist her on most occasions. In the same way there's a wonderful habit she has.

* What is this wonderful habit?
   What is mentioned in our Buddha Dhamma is to share our food. My mother and father too practised that righteous deed from my small days. What we were told was not to clasp .... to share and partake. It may be food, it may be some clothing ... a materialistic object. Sometimes I am someone who very much like to share love even by a word. What I feel is that the thing I gave was very sweet.

She has the ability of thinking about life as charming. Devika who cooks with thoughts like this in her heart is a wife who has special thoughts about Wijaya's meals.

* Wijaya Aiya ... what type of food do you like to eat?
   Wijaya on most occasions eat red rice. In the same way I frequently prepare things like mellum, gruel and soup because he likes those. He specially shows a preference for village vegetables. But our two children like to eat in the Western style. Because of that food is being cooked in all kinds of ways in our house. I don't think it as a worry.

What Devika says is evident on her face. Wijaya Aiya who enjoys cricket at all times takes leave of us by making his way to the top floor with the idea of watching the World Trophy Tournament. At the same time Devika smiles at him saying if there is cricket he would forget everything. We bade this pleasant couple and stepped on to the roads with the idea of making our way to our office.

Note - Thilani Shanika Withanaachchi
Photos - Marlon Karunaratna
By courtesy of Sarasaviya Newspaper


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