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Italian Veterinary Surgeon who became unpopular because of animal hunting ... slips and dies!  

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Italian Veterinary Surgeon who became unpopular because of animal hunting ... slips and dies!

Italian Veterinary Surgeon who became unpopular because of animal hunting ... slips and dies!

News about Veterinary Surgeon Luciano Ponzetto who came in for severe criticism from Italian social media sometime back dying perchance has come in for discussion within media circles in Europe these

55 year old Luciano Pozetto is someone who carried on a service as a Veterinary Surgeon close to Torino, Italy. He was used to hunting birds and beasts for the sake of fun. He had even publicly announced across the media that 'the feeling a Veterinary Surgeon derived by hunting animals cannot be acquired from anything else'. Though organisations had protested against him, his activities could not be halted until his death because the Medical Council of the country had favoured him. Animal Rights activists had even gone to the extent of creating a Facebook Page which was dedicated to reproaching him. 

It was when he had gone on bird-hunting that he had met with death. At a moment when he had attempted to shoot birds he had slipped on a layer of ice without any pertinent reason and had fallen down 100 feet down from a precipice and thus embraced death. His corpse was discovered with the aid of a helicopter and is remaining at a native hospital. 


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