Paba with baby for first time
It is only 3 months since popular actress and former Member of Parliament Upeksha Swarnamali has turned into a mother of a cute little baby girl of 3 months. It was only a part of a toddler's hand that was first made visible to her fans. However sometime back she had taken steps to expose the looks of the baby by posing before a camera of a newspaper for others to see amidst domestic
activities of her child. On that occasion she has divulged a fresh piece of news about her baby girl."Our daughter is Dhanuji Shanon Perera ... 3 months old. On the day daughter was born, most people of course commented saying that she looks like Samantha. Samantha was very happy about that remark. Then I of course had some jealousy because nobody said that she was like me. But now of course most people say that daughter's looks are like mine. It's not like the period spent looking forward with glee of becoming a mother. After becoming a mother it's not an easy thing ... busy all 24 hours. Must stay with baby only. Not like us ... with an age where nothing could be understood ... we've got to understand every sentiment of hers. Whenever she cries it's difficult to understand for what reason she cries. Life is strenuous ... feel so tired. When I was to deliver the baby ... had to undergo pain. I thought that I'd be free from pain after I get the baby ... but now I've had to bear up another responsibility. But I don't feel that it is a burden. I feel a change to the extent that I hardly feel any fatigue as such. This life is really wonderful. I don't let anybody handle her work. My mother and another person is there to help. Whoever is there to help me ... I at least ask mother whatever I don't know and handle it all alone by myself. I won't palm it over to somebody and wash my hands for that matter.
Samantha is someone who is busy with business activities. I can't expect any help from him for domestic work or for me either. But now I feel the cost of living in a big way. He should be well-armed in a financial sense. For that I have to give my support after letting him have the freedom he looks forward to. When taking into consideration with my age, Samantha is a little elder to me. He enjoys maturity in life. I think for that very reason he has understood me. But at the beginning stages like a small fellow I hung around him craving for his love. Now it's from him the question should be asked whether my love has diminished. Though most of the time I am with daughter, I like to take part in acting until I die. Samantha has not imposed taboos on me ... neither has he placed restrictions asking me not to go for acting. I also like to be a strength to the economy of the family.
(Discussion -- Harshani Weeraratna / Photo -- Chamila Karunaratna)
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