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42 year old father romances with 19 year old fiancee of his son  

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 42 year old father romances with 19 year old fiancee of his son

42 year old father romances with 19 year old fiancee of his son

News about a 42 year old father with 3 children who tried to get round his son's fiancee after this 19 year old girl had left his son is reported from Pallebedda area.

People in the area had observed this girl of schoolgoing age making love with a middle-aged man at a location where lovers were frequenting in Rakwana River Reserve in Sudugala area,
Pallebedda and had developed suspicion about this strange behaviour and on inquiring had come to know about the matter. The neighbourhood had contacted the police emergency contact phone number and had informed that a certain person was in the act of abusing a girl of schoolgoing age and the Godakawela Police arrived on the scene and had conducted inquiries in this respect.

What the girl said was that the middle-aged person was her father. This person has said that she was his daughter. Subsequently after further interrogation, because of contradictory responses from them, suspicions were raised and then the true version of this affinity came to light. The 19 year old girl later told that she was in love with the suspect's elder son and that he induced her to have marital relationships with her and had told the police that she did not agree to his advances. Later that young man had abandoned the girl.

The lover after desolating him had become disappointed as a result and on the occasion that she had met his father she had told this story to him. He in turn took advantage of this situation by saying that his son does not know how to make love to a sweet girl like her and his son had made a blunder, thus engaging in enticing words to prey on the girl. He had also added that though he was a father of three he was living the life of a young man. This man was employed in a minor job at a car-washing centre in Pallebedda and he had been daily consoling the girl's heart and giving telephone calls and as a consequence the girl too had drawn near this person who so was appeasing her with words of consolation.

This person who was resident in Udawalawa area had taken calls to the girl concerned and had been consoling her while others were in the house giving the impression to his wife that he was trying to solve the injustice done to this girl by his son. The wife of the suspect had said that she was aware that he was from recent times constantly engaged in conversations with this girl over the mobile phone. Though she had cautioned him saying that the girl is giving her husband too many calls but that she did not know that her husband had gone to that said location.

He had lured the girl with words of affection by duping her and at a time the girl was to attend a private class he had managed to get round her and had brought her to this place, the police were able to uncover. The parents of the said girl had known nothing about this incident and the girl is pursuing studies in a GCE A/L class in a Sewanagala school.


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