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Dark Memories on 20th November  

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No one can ever think of the fate of the country if tiger terrorism which unleashed devastation and took away many lives was not defeated.

A conducive environment now prevails in the island nation with the end of the conflict. Some who are silent on the carnage are attempting to inject life into such terrorist organizations.

It was on 24th November 1984 that a war hero who was caught up in a shooting by the tiger terrorists in the Anuradhapura area was killed. Thus the brutal terrorists commenced their killing spree on 20th November during the fear psychosis period. On the same day the blood thirsty terrorists mooted an attack on at the Chavakachcheri Police Station. Despite the counter attacks, 25 Police heroes sacrificed their lives on behalf of the country.

On 20th November 1989, three war heroes gave up their lives on behalf of the unity of the country following an attack launched by the terrorists in the Mannar area. On 20th November 1991, the terrorists killed nine war heroes in the Pasikudah area. On the same day, the terrorists unleashed another attack at Mahawilatenna. 20 brave soldiers who were engaged in search operations lost their lives. On 20th November 1995, the tiger terrorists mooted a shell attack in the Palaly area taking away the lives of 11 brave soldiers.

Paranthan was the next target of the terrorists. In a mortar attack on 20th November 1998, the terrorists killed three war heroes. In the year 2000 also on 20th November, the tiger terrorists unleashed another heavy attack in the Chavakachcheri area. Three soldiers died in this incident. In the early hours of 20th November 2001, an attacked was launched at Eravur. Five innocent Tamil civilians were killed. On the same they exploded a claymore mine at Poonewa killing three gallant soldiers.

On 20th November 2005, the ruthless terrorists opened gunfire in the Miravodai area killing two innocent Tamil civilians. Three brave soldiers who were caught up in a claymore mine explosion at Kunjalkadai on 20th November 2006 sacrificed their lives on behalf of the country.

Demented by the continuous defeats suffered, the terrorists on 20th November 2008 launched an attack in the Nivil area taking the lives of two brave soldiers. They also mooted another attack in the Andankulam area killing two war heroes. The blood thirsty terrorists have taken away the lives of 10 innocent Tamil civilians and killed 96 brave soldiers on November 20th throughout the dark period.

If terrorism was not totally eliminated at the Nanthikadal Lagoon on 18th May 2009, under the prudent leadership of the President who is the Commander in Chief, the country could have still been plagued with terrorism and many lives lost. Queries have to be posed from those who encourage terrorism whether ending the scourge of terrorism is a mistake. Some are seeking inquiry reports to inject life to the terrorists. Britain which is calling for reports on the war situation in Sri Lanka, took a long period to inquire into the killing 13 innocent civilians in the year 1972. No one has forgotten about it.

It took 40 years for Britain to submit a report on the killing of these 13 innocent people. But it is calling for reports from Sri Lanka which had uprooted terrorism which terrorized the Sri Lanka and the entire world. Only four years had passed since defeating terrorism. Isn’t it giving life to the entire nation, the best inquiry?


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