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During the calamity the help rendered by Shashen should be hailed.  

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During the calamity the help rendered by Shashen should be hailed.

The guy sporting a red T shirt in the photograph below is Shashen a brave lad from Matara. Who with his colleagues had rendered a volunteering huge service for the victims of floods. He had led the colleagues in helping to reach the victims who were cordoned not been able to reach them which the
Army and Navy personnel were unable to reach.

They had continued to be in the water for four days. Wearing rubber  tubes they had reached the people who were marooned in isolation. The efforts of Shashane and his colleagues need to be hailed and highly appreciated.

When Army or Navy personnel indulge in such activities usually their efforts are made POSTS in FB and social media.But not for people like Shashen. Yesterday had been Shashen's birthday. But he had not disclosed it as the relief activities of the flood victims would get disturbed as friends would want to celebrate. This POST has been made without the knowledge of Shashen.

In this regard it has to be emphasized that gods are not in heaven but on the ground.


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