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The problem now is to breast-feed baby -- Paba speaks after delivering baby  

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 The problem now is to breast-feed baby -- Paba speaks after delivering baby

The problem now is to breast-feed baby -- Paba speaks after delivering baby

Former Member of Parliament and tele-actress Upeksha Swarnamali who delivered her first baby has expressed her ideas to the media about the life she is spending.

This is how she has described it. "After getting the baby I am really spending my life happily. I named my daughter Dhanuji Shannon Perera. Dhanuji
means someone who works according to conscience. I named her Shannon because it could be used without difficulty if it's necessary, in a foreign land. The experience of getting the baby is a very strange one. She was born from a Ceasarian operation before the scheduled date after discussing with the doctors about it. When baby was shown to me for the first time I happened to blurt out almost at random that she's like me.

Not like on other days ... time is racing fast. I have to milk-feed her from two to two hours. It's like a big war. I care for her with great attention. Because of baby I have had to keep away my darling dog Rocky. Because it has wool on the body it's difficult to keep it with baby in the house. I sent it to my mother's place. Until 6 months passes I won't be able to take it to the house. Mother will feed it. Of course I find it lonely. But now baby is there no. Actually my husband is looking after me with love. I thank god every day for having given a husband like this. He gives me everything that I want. Now of course I have a liking to look forward for another baby. Let's see ... let's see in the future".

Discussion -- Thilini Karunaratna


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