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Committee to discuss regulating vehicles transporting school children  

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The first meeting of the Committee appointed to regulate vehicles

transporting school children will be held tomorrow.

The Committee which will discuss a general policy to regulate vehicles transporting school children is slated to be held at the Private Transport Ministry tomorrow. The 14-member Committee is scheduled to arrive at many decisions which will be critical for the transport of school children.

The ministry is also hoping to introduce GPS technology to vehicles transporting school children, which could be used to update parents on where the children are through an SMS.

The Committee is scheduled to discuss the safety of children, use of a common identification name board, the levying of a reasonable fee from the parents, deciding on the number of children that should be accommodated and the registering of all vehicles transporting school children with one institution.

The Committee is also scheduled to take cognizance of parking all vehicles close to the schools and the granting of facilities to the drivers and wardens. Attention is also be focused on an insurance scheme covering children who use transport services. Issuing a statement, the Ministry of Private Transport Services said that action would be taken to hand over to report of the Committee on regulating school transporting services on the 31st of July.


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