Saturn who is the age old man and chief of sorrow in transit from 7.19 pm on January 26th is a powerful event in international Astrology. It is because of that masses all over the world are focusing on this aspect. Forecasts have been given under various strategies such as Nirayana, Sayana, Krishnamurthi, Nadi and Numerology. Before this, Saturn was in transit from across Sagittarius from December 17, 1987 to December 15, 1990. As such, it is after about a period
of 30 years that Saturn is moving into the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius once again. Saturn would be behaving in a totally different manner than when traversing within the zodiacal sign of Scorpio. What is found in the House of the superior of the planetary galaxy are weapons, explosive items and plans for war conspiracy. Like in the Satthakumba Jataka, Saturn should conform to it. The Sagittarian House is the House of the counsellor. What is found there are rituals, Pooja items, educational equipment and publications. This at times gives the notion and feeling that Saturn gains access from Hitler's House to Chanakya's House. Whatever it is, at first glance it can be seen that the destructive situation that was prevalent is gradually fading away. But conflicts that existed are to be experienced under the water as such. In any case according to Krishnamoorthy Paddhathiya what is given here are results influenced by other planetary effects, and on considering planets of a subordinate nature and types of octaves in connection with such methodology in accordance with Lagna bhava.Aries:
Obstructions removed
Health problems that existed will systematically fade away. The mind will divert itself for religious peace. An environment conducive to achieve challenges will develop. Financial strength will rise. Will be motivated to experiment with financial methods. Educational activities will be somewhat obstructive. May undergo problems of the abdomen. Personality will develop. Will be fortunate to get an opportunity to be free from mental suffering undergone for sometime. Happiness and peace in domestic life will be stabilized. A solution to employee problems that existed will be found.
Busy period
Could be said that this would be busy period. Activities that were in operation would have to be changed frequently. Should be free from trusting others. Those engaged in occupations such as lifting heavy items may have to face health problems. If attention is focused on finances could obtain medium results. Time when companionship of more educated and high people are warranted. Misunderstandings with relations could spring up. May be subjected to jealousies of others. Some obstructions for romantic affairs.
Financial gains
Period when activities were delayed could be begun once again and the earnings could be developed. Those employed in self-employment could expect good gains. There is a possibility that problems relating to properties could emerge. Thoughts could divert towards unspiritual earnings. May have to engage in tiring distant journeys. Might be motivated to take determined decisions in relation to marriage. Even amidst obstacles, family life could flow on successfully. It is important to be thoughtful about words uttered by you. Success in exams seen. Opportunity to learn new things. Rheumatic ailments and weakness of blood are to occur.
Gains from wealth
Could profit from items bought for selling. Would be possible to be free from credit matters. Fortunate period to grow by taking loans. If there were problems or obstacles in employment, those would be settled. Can resume activities that were halted. Much to walk. Will be benefited from vehicles. Good to start new constructions. Could overcome problems from enemies. May have to face problems from relatives. May have to enrol for fresh studies of a strange type. Interest over deep things would increase. A period when spontaneous luck by way of wealth could occur. Should keep an eye on health as problems concerning diseases resulting from phlegm, rashes and boils.
Be thoughtful
As there is a possibility that wealth could dwindle, should take care about investments. Expenses will be high. Obstacles could occur in respect of avenues of income that existed already. Should be flexible with higher authorities. Overseas employment activities will prosper. New opportunities will come your way. May be often burdened with a fear in the mind. Brothers and sisters could expect promotions. Be careful as your name will be tarnished. It is not advisable to get involved in litigation. It may be somewhat difficult to become victorious in competitive exams. Ailments regarding eyes would occur and possibility of epidemic diseases.
Change in employment.
Income from properties will decline. Income will decrease. It is important to be more careful about trading activities. Will be motivated by self to resign from job or to go on pension. Or else would look forward for some change. A situation where separation from husband or wife will occur. May have to face loss from natural disasters. Should take care of health when engaged in long-distance journeys. Period when close affinity should be developed between parents. May postpone certain activities. Favourable opportunity of living in a permanent location. Domestic life will be prosperous. Will change educational activities. Concentration will drop. Ailments relating to hands and feet as well as a sick condition for mother are denoted.
Expenditure will be high. Will invest with hopes for the future. Fixed assets will be subjected to drain. May undergo change in employment. Will start new activities. Salary increases. Will be promoted from position. But there will be heartaches on and off. Should be careful as you may get involved in some riot. Period when help would come your way from educated, elderly people in a secretive manner. Those who are creative-inclined could reap popularity through his or her creations. Will get an opportunity to attend parties. Will be released from legal matters. Matrimonial matters will be fruitful and strengthened. Educational activities could expect a change. Physically, will take on a lean look.
Busy period
Period where expenses will reach high and extremely busy. Though salaries would not increase; responsibility would be more. Unstabilised manner of living is to be seen. Will spend for unnecessary things. Conditions of worry in employment will crop up constantly. Will be compensated satifactorily by salary for work well done. Problems will occur with relations. Should be careful of sudden accidents. Issues will take place if not careful about speech. Help from educated people. Malefic influence on a very close female relative. Will feel a condition of anxiety. Will benefit from your children who are students. Will acquire items necessary for decoration or beauty. Very important to be alert at exams. Would suffer from ailments of left hand and left leg.
Mixed results
Unfortunate circumstances where wealth will not come your way. There would be mixed results in relation to property. Those involved in business should always exercise a proper mentality. Possibility of being confronted with unexpected problems. Would encounter problems from those who are your subordinates and employees under you. Should be vigilant in becoming a prey to fraudsters. Will have the ability to dispel any obstacle if proper management is exercised. May get involved in litigation. Will not receive appreciation in proportion to work done. Those engaged in higher studies will reap gains. Luck in travelling overseas. Mixed results could be expected in domestic life. Not that favourable to commence fresh romances. Teeth amd mouth will be affected.
Motivated towards gratitude
Will be drawn towards developing a soft corner for others than for your own. However much good is done, may not derive beneficial results. Those involved in social and common activities will acquire beneficial results. Profits will be reaped from cultivation. Loss of expenditure because of sicknesses of relatives. Whatever it is, should take care in comporting self in litigation activities. May face physical harm from animals. It is seen that lightness of the mind should be developed. Will be possible to buy equipment required for home. Will be able to study various languages. Opportunity for those engaged in higher education to migrate. Should be careful of complexities of a complex nature.
Fortunate period
Will be subjected to honour by society. New vistas will open for wealth. Financial and social status will be lifted up. Activities stopped will recommence. Period where dreams about construction of a house will materialise. Will be able to purchase property and vehicles. Will rise in position. Opportunity to increase knowledge. Religious and faith on god will increase. Will strengthen romantic and marriage attachments. Period when intelligence should be given a chance than feelings. Success in competitive exams. Dreams of higher education will be materialised. Health problems relating to spine, hips and urinary tract may surface.
Sudden financial gains
Could gain profit from commercial activities. Could increase savings. Unexpected financial gain noted. Prosperity in jobs and employment. Fresh and facile job opportunities will come your way. Fortunate period at homefront. If of suitable age; positive period for romantic attachments. Will cherish aesthetic matters. Whatever it is, a period where work should not be postponed. Time where a name could be achieved from something learned by you. Will earn results in proportion to what you put in. Will be able to settle liabilities. Religious knowledge will grow. New subjects and knowledge in languages will increase. May contract diseases of an epidemic nature.
Thalawatugoda Kelum Gunatilleka
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