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It is admitted that Cinnamon Grand food poisoning  

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It is admitted that Cinnamon Grand food poisoning .... was because of butter!

It is admitted that Cinnamon Grand food poisoning ....

was because of butter!

It was in various ways that the case of 20 persons suffering from food-poisoning admitted to
hospital after a dinner held at the Oak Room at Cinnamon Grande Hotel, Colombo on June 12th this year was exposed.

Some of the media had withheld their name and certain reports said that a mushroom curry brought from outside had resulted in this poisoning-incident. However, according to the international methodology, food brought from outside sources is not served within the hotel.

The Cinnamon Grande Hotel has released a media announcement today saying that 20 persons of the elite class who attended the commemoration of the birthday of the Queen of Britain organised by the Sri Lankan United Kingdom Society had to be hospitalised because of using a type of butter the date of which had expired.

20 persons who showed signs of sickness and started vomitting soon after starting to consume the food were sent out of the hotel that day and had been directed to 2 private hospitals and since it was an occasion where the affluent class participated, it was not possible to cover up the incident from the media. A media announcement released today by the Cinnamon Grande Hotel says that they are always bound to supply food of an international standard and that this was a case of neglect and that steps are taken to avert such incidents in future.


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