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Pyramid found in Mars!  

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Pyramid found in Mars!

Pyramid found in Mars!

An amazing photograph has been found where a pyramid is to be observed on the planet Mars
according to the latest photograph taken from the Rover Machine sent by NASA Institute. In this connection scientists have expressed their wonder and ideas related to pyramids of Egypt and the aliens which existed over a period of time has once more come to surface as a result of this latest finding.

The abovementioned photographs of the pyramid in Mars which are supposed to have been taken on May 7th this year are said to be very much similar to the Great Pyramid of Egypt. There are  popular scientific fiction stories that many years ago people had gone to Mars in secrecy and had started building colonies there while there further fiction stories that the pyramids of Egypt was the creation of aliens.

According to the opinion of the scientists, this is not the first occasion when pyramid-like objects had been detected in Mars. Objects such as this had been seen in photographs taken in telescopic photographs captured in 1972, in photographs sent by the spacecraft Mariner 9 of 1976 and Rosetta photographs of 2014. Whether there are beings living in Mars or not has still not been confirmed so far; but Western scientists have expressed opinions to the effect that findings of pyramid-like objects has nevertheless provided new access for a dialogue in this connection.


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