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Though my daughter had Leukemia, I didn't imagine that something like this would happen -- Kingsley  

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 Though my daughter had Leukemia, I didn't imagine that something like this would happen -- Kingsley

Though my daughter had Leukemia, I didn't imagine that something like this would happen  -- Kingsley

The incident where singer Kingsley Peiris's 12 year old daughter Kavisha had leave this world as a result of blood cancer was news that brought a shock to most people last week.

Kingsley who expressed his ideas to a weekend newspaper has mentioned that though his daughter had suffered from this sickness for a period of time, this piece of news was something he never
imagined. "My daughter Kavisha is 12 years and a few months old. She was a very loving, innocent and an adorable child. It was on the 4th of January, 2004 that she came into our nest. She also has a brother younger to her. She's very clever in singing songs and playing musical instruments. She displayed her skills in that direction quite often.

Towards the end of May she began to show signs of a frequent cough and colds. On the 1st of June I took her to take treatment. The doctor said that some tests had to be carried out. It was from those test reports that we came to know that our daughter has Leukemia. There weren't signs of this disease during her small days for us to be alert. It was on that particular day that we came to know about everything. After that we warded her at a private hospital. There the doctors didn't say that daughter's condition was bad as such. They said that she could be out of danger. It was because we had trust on their words that I didn't care to take her to a government hospital. I paid a big fee and kept her at a private hospital with the hope that her life would be saved. Actually if they told me that her condition was serious, I would get her warded at a government hospital. If that happened ... daughter may have lived.

On last 28th I went to Italy for a musical show. On that day also when I went to see daughter, she said, 'father ... you go and come safely. I'll be going home in another two or three days' time'. I went on that journey because she was safe and sound and happy. If I ever dreamed that a thing like this would befall my daughter; I would never have gone on that journey at any cost. I came home on the 6th after news of the death of my daughter was informed. Now everything that has to happen, has happened. My wife, my son are not in a position to bear this situation. Which mother or father can face a situation when their daughter has an untimely death like this? I will somehow or other bear up the sorrow I have in my heart and will patch up my daughter's mother's shock. Because we're still living ... we'll live ... there's no desire for life. But because I have a responsibility and duty towards my son ... I live. Though it's difficult to bear up the departure of my daughter like a father ... I'll never ever compose a song on behalf of my daughter. That may be the span of life that she brought with her. I'll attend to all almsgivings and dharma activities that have to be done for her in the future also. I ask that no other child in this world face the fate that my daughter was called upon to face".    


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