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Lady Divisional Secretary Herath of Divulapitiya speaks about sand mining  

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 Lady Divisional Secretary Herath of Divulapitiya speaks about sand mining

Lady Divisional Secretary Herath of Divulapitiya speaks about sand mining

The lady Divisional Secretary of Divulapitiya Mrs. H.M.N.S. Herath who was involved in a verbal clash over the phone recently in relation to a case concerning sand mining responded to a query raised by a weekend newspaper and said that she knew nothing about 61,000 cubes of sand being removed. This is how she described this situation saying that this matter does not concern her and that she is not in a
position to give an answer to an issue related to the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau.

* Are you aware of issuing a license to do sand mining?
   No .. no.

* Aren't you aware of anything in that connection?
   The license is issued by the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau and not across us. They had been issuing the licenses from a number of years. Only last year when amendments were taking place it was sent to the District Committee and then put across to the Environmental Authority, the Archaelogical and Geological committee and the application has come after that.

* Though you had said that you are not aware; district committee decisions reach you, don't they?
   When it is approved by that committee, all excavations carried out from a number of years were finished. Only last year it came under instructions of the committee.

* Licenses have been issued without recommendations.

* No water ... problems of dust, cracks on the ground .... have you received complaints about those?
   Yes. Those were directed to the Geological Authorities and the Environmental Authorities and examinations were carried out. That shouting ... it was before that .... yes, yes ... that shouting was before that.

* You have authority to grant permission to excavate 100 cubes of sand .... but 61,000 cubes have been removed. Don't you know anything about that? Didn't you see at all?
   Eh ... eh ... what?
   (I posed the same question once again)
   That I don't know ... how much was permitted by the Geological Authorities.

* Can you get away by saying that you have no connection with this?
   Ask from Geology Authorities and see.

* What happened to complaints made by the public during the past 3 years?
   (No reply)

* Are you going to take action about the scolding you received?
   (No reply)
   Can't tell those to the media (could hear softly).

* You have no involvement with the sand mining?
   Not any involvement ... what we did was attending the district committee only.

* What action did you take against the allegation targeted at you?
   (The Divisional Secretary disconnected the line).

Note -- Prageeth Sampath Karunatilleka


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