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Ninth Anniversary of the tsunami commemorated  

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The entire country remained silent for a while. No one could believe the Information the received. They were astonished after hearing that information. The country could not believe as to what had happened. It was exactly on 26th December in the year 2004.

The Full Moon Poya day dawned with Christmas day drawing to a close. Many were in Vihares observing Sil. The information received was bitter. Tsunami killer waves have crashed into the land snatching away thousands of lives. Can anyone believe it? History has recorded such incidents but had not witnessed in life.

There is no one who does not wish to watch sea waves, as the sea is most beautiful. But no one would have ever thought that tears would surface from such a beautiful scene. Such a tribulation was experienced on 26th December 2004. It was a long holiday with Christmas and Poya coming together. Many were enjoying their holidays during this long holiday season also along with school holidays. Families in their entirety were enjoying the scenic beauty by the sea side.

The Southern, the Northern and the Eastern beaches were filled with holiday makers while many fishermen had ventured into the sea as usual to earn their living. A scene hitherto not witnessed was experienced from the sea. Sea waves as usual did not kiss the beach and flow into the sea but flooded the land areas several metres inwards. Some waves were several metres high. The rough waves thus crashed into the land.

What happened to those who were spending their holidays in the beach? Exactly at 9.25 in the morning of 26th December 2004, waves crashed landed inland from the Northern and Eastern seas as well as from the South up to Colombo. It was so violent. What happened to the sea that was calm? No one ever believed as to what had taken place. Many were washed away into the sea.

Many lives were lost and vast damage unleashed to property. This was the news that spread not only throughout the country but in the entire world. Camera crews toured round the country. Unfortunate scenes were recorded on video footage. It was very pity to hear voices screaming all over the place seeking help. It was pathetic to hear these voices. There are no communal, caste, religious or any other differences for the sea. The rich as well as the poor were caught up in these deadly waves.

Within minutes many lives were lost. Many were being washed away into the seas. Bodies were seen floating. Massive rail tracks were destroyed. An entire train was caught up in these tsunami waves at Pereliya with thousands of passengers. Such a massive disaster had not been hitherto experienced in any part of the world.

It is exactly nine years since this tsunami battered the country. This unfortunate day was being commemorated today. The country lost thousands of lives as a result of the tsunami which battered many coastal areas in the island. No one is yet aware of the exact number of lives lost in this disaster.

Everyone in the country united when the disaster struck the country forgetting all differences. Their desire was that the country should rise up from this debris. All in unison stood up together. The political leadership played a prominent role to overcome the destruction caused. Mahinda Rajapaksa, the then Prime Minister and the incumbent President took the forefront. All political parties united. Even the world community helped the island. Everything was done expeditiously.

The whole country joined hands in supporting the affected. Even the Independent Television took the forefront in assisting the disaster struck persons. The people did whatever they could to assist their colleagues at this hour of calamity. Tsunami affected families were assisted. Houses were put up. Buildings were constructed. Other than lives every thing were dished out to the affected families. Nine years had now passed since experiencing this tragedy. Every one remembers the past even today when passing the beaches.

As such even today two minutes silence is observed on 26th December. It is to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in the face of tsunami. We wish and pray that such an unfortunate incident will never be experienced throughout our lives.


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