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South Korean Envoy says Sri Lanka has achieved rapid progress    

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There is every prospect of increased Korean investments in Sri Lanka after the end of the conflict. This comment was made by Korea’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Yu Myang-Hwan to President Rajapaksa yesterday. The meeting between the Korean envoy and the President took place at Temple Trees. The South Korean representative cited the reintegration into society of the ex-combatants and the resettlement of the displaced posthaste are fitting example for the successful progress the country has achieve during the post conflict period. He pointed out that the Sri Lankan Government deserves world acclamation for the conduct of the first Northern Provincial Council poll in a free and fair manner and for the establishment of the Presidential Commission on Missing Persons. The President told Korea’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Yu Myang-hwan that he was expecting the Commission reports to consider what initiatives should be taken in the future. President Rajapaksa requested the Korean representative to undertake a tour of the Northern Province. Claiming that more priority was to the North than the South in development, the President said it was important to view the development in the Province through a visit. Yu Myang-hwan underscored that the Korean Government was dedicated to maintaining cooperation and strong bilateral relations with Sri Lanka. He mentioned Korea’s willingness to extend maximum support to the Sri Lankan Government in development. Foreign Secretary Kshenuka Seneviratne was present at this meeting.


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