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Because of Maggie noodles case in India all noodles under scrutiny in Sri Lanka  

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Because of Maggie noodles case in India all noodles under scrutiny in Sri Lanka

Because of Maggie noodles case in India all noodles under scrutiny in Sri Lanka

The other day a large stock of Maggie noodles were destroyed by
Nestle India as a poisonous substance was detected in them. As a precautionary measure the Sri Lanka government has ordered to inspect all types of noodles in Sri Lanka for any similar poisonous chemical substances.

Accordingly all samples of noodles from manufacturing companies are to be tested for any harmful chemical substance in excess than the required amount by sending them to industrial technical institute for inspection.In the event if any higher percentage of chemicals is found the stocks of such noodles would be destroyed the related authorities of the government had quipped.

They are particularly interested in finding whether the content of ‘led’ in them is higher which is injurious to the health of consumers.


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