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Youth who tried tricks on gorgeous police woman at Deputy Inspector General's Office  

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Youth who tried tricks on gorgeous police woman at Deputy Inspector General's Office ...misses his mark

Youth who tried tricks on gorgeous police woman at Deputy Inspector General's Office ....

misses his mark

A youth who tried to write a telephone number on the
hand of an attractive woman police officer the latter of whom was on duty at the office of Inspector General's Office in the South recently, displaying romantic gestures fell into trouble.

The said incident as reported is as follows:
Two young men had come to the said office some days back saying that a bicycle race is to be arranged in Wellampitiya area. What they had wanted was to solicit the support of police officers for the cycles to move without hindrance in that race. A form to be filled up in this connection had been available at the police office and when the youth had requested for it the aforesaid lady police officer had brought a copy of it and placed it in their hands. At that moment one of the youth who had been casting a penetrative look at her had begun asking various questions even such as, "where do you live; what's your name" etc, which in fact were not relevant to the duty at hand and she of course had refrained from answering such irrelevant questions.

The two youth who filled the form had once again placed it in her hand in order that it be forwarded to the Deputy General of Police and she after perusing through it had asked them to go away. However the boys who got set to leave had not left immediately and instead had been loitering around her once again, dragging her into conversation. The youth who had been tantalized by the female figure then had asked her, "Ah .... how can I know about this matter after this .... can you give me your phone number?" At that point she had given the phone number of the office. But the youth had begun to press her saying, "that's not necessary .... give your phone number will you".  Though she had responded saying that it is not possible to give her private phone number, they had continued to move around her and had still persisted on asking for the number while she too had kept on refusing him. On that occasion the youth had had tried to give his phone number saying, "ha .... then write my number will you". She had then refused it saying, "I don't want your number .... when the matter is done, you'll be informed from here". The boy who was so mesmerised by her had grabbed her hand by force and had managed to write his phone number on her palm with the pen in his hand and had asked her to give a call to that number, casting an adorable look on her. So saying they had left.

The female officer who became helpless and even embarassed became the victim of mental worry over the force exercised on her. She then had taken steps to make a complaint about this to the Police Children's and Women's Bureau. It was after that the young man was apprehended by the police after securing information across his own phone number. The police were able to come to know that the suspect was one Juliange Lankapriya living in Wennawaththa in Wellampitiya.

Having been produced before courts he was ordered to be remanded by Nugegoda Magistrate Kanishka Wijeratna for having used force on a woman during her duty hours. The suspect has thus been remanded until the 26th of this month.


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