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Wife dies after Husband had cut the umbilical cord between wife and child  

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 Wife dies after Husband had cut the umbilical cord between wife and child

Wife dies after Husband  had cut the umbilical cord between wife and child

A sad incident is reported from Kalpitiya police division where a woman after child birth had died when her husband had cut the umbilical cord between his wife and new born child. Before the death of the woman she had given birth to a child 08 days earlier.

The incident has been reported from Pulachchena village in the Kalpitiya police division. The woman a 36 year old had given birth to a baby boy.The umbilical coed had been separated by cutting it by the husband of this woman.It is reported that this woman during pregnancy had not attended any clinic although she had two children aged 15 years and 09 years.

After the birth of these two children she had not attended to any maternity clinic.It is learnt that even during the pregnancy periods of the previous children also she had not attended any  maternity clinic.

During police investigations it had been revealed that the husband was responsible for cutting the umbilical cord.


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