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Nirupama Rajapaksa's husband arrested by FCID and then bailed out  

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 Nirupama Rajapaksa's husband arrested by FCID and then bailed out

Nirupama Rajapaksa's husband arrested by FCID and then bailed out 

Thirikumar Nadesan the husband of Nirupama Rajapksa was taken into custody by the FCID .After he was produced before the Pugoda Magistrate.A bail application that was submitted had been allowed and he had been given bail for a sum of rupees fifty thousand and on production of two sureties for rupees ten
lakhs each.

He had been produced before the Magistrate after been questioned on the Malwana land and then produced before courts today..The accusation was that he had paid a sum of Rs 64 lakhs ans bought  a land in Malwana. After Mahinda Rajapaksa was defeated he had written the land and premises in favour of a graphic designer. and tried to hide the ownership.

The inquiry had been made by the FCID to find out how he obtained this sum to purchase the land.

Thirikumara Nadesan is believed to have made this transfer,He is the husband of the cousin sister of Mahinda Rajapaksa, Nirupama Rajapaksa.


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