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Progeny fight with knives saying grandmother's death is suspicious  

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 Progeny fight with knives saying grandmother's death is suspicious

Progeny fight with knives saying grandmother's death is suspicious

As a result of a brawl which took place at a funeral house in Batticaloa yesterday a pregnant woman and 8 others sustained serious injuries.

This crowd has entered into a conflict at her funeral house accusing each other that the death of 74 year old Kandasamy Salwamani is suspicious. The referred to woman has passed away last Saturday at
Kali Kovil Veediya in Arayampadi Karbala village in Batticaloa. A dispute and subsequent arguments had flared up continuously between two factions of the progeny of the deceased after her death and had ended up in a conflict, it is understood.

During the dispute which emerged on Sunday among males of the progeny party they had created physical harm to each other using pointed machettes. 9 persons were admitted to Batticaloa Basic Hospital. A pregnant mother has been admitted to Arayampadi Basic Hospital. The Coroner into Sudden Deaths has ordered that the deceased aged woman's body be subjected to a postmortem. Katthankudu Police are conducting investigations.

(Batticaloa Reporter -- Jaufferkhan)


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