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"I am the only Space System Engineer in Sri Lanka ... they didn't understand what I told them" -- Rohitha Rajapaksa  

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 "I am the only Space System Engineer in Sri Lanka ... they didn't understand what I told them" -- Rohitha Rajapaksa

"I am the only Space System Engineer in Sri Lanka ... they didn't understand what I told them" -- Rohitha Rajapaksa

Former president's son Rohitha Rajapaksa who faced an accusation that he had been involved in a project of launching a Supreme SAT satellite and thus caused a loss to the country amounting to millions after being subjected to questioning by the FCID yesterday had approached the media and made the following comments.

"Everybody is asking me where this satellite is. So these people too asked where this satellite is. I
explained everything from the beginning upto today. What they think is that it could be located by looking at the sky by a hand-lens. Most of those who were there had no knowledge. I am the only person who has studied this subject andam an Engineer in this field ... Space System Engineering. They of course spoke very cordially ... not a place where the person is made to worry or 'tortured' as such. As far as I understand, this is something done with the objective of deriving political gains, I think.

This is not mine ... I am someone who only worked in this. My designation is as Technical Director. These people think that I am a director of the company. That's where the problem was ... and I clarified it". 


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