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Indian ‘Kovil priest’ remanded for cheating Rs 13 lakhs  

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Indian ‘Kovil priest’ remanded for cheating Rs 13 lakhs by promising a girl to win the heart of her lover’s father

Indian ‘Kovil priest’ remanded for cheating Rs 13 lakhs by promising a girl to win the heart of her lover’s father

A Indian ‘Kovil priest’ who had cheated a daughter of a millionaire
businessman by obtaining from her rupees thirteen lakhs promising to charm her boy friend’s father to consent to win his heart. The ‘Kovil priest’ had promised millionaire businessman’s daughter that he could make her boy friend’s father to give his consent.

On suspicion he had been questioned by the police who had found that this Indian priest had come to Sri Lanka to do business and had advertised in newspapers about his abilities to charm people.

The police had made investigations and had revealed that he had played out many people in Jaffna and in Colombo in this manner and had cheated huge sums of money from several persons.

He had been produced to Colombo Magistrate by the Bambalapitiya police after they had made investigations. They had found a number of obscene video photos of English and Tamil girls.


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