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For attempting to tame the joint opposition Dinesh to dash one lakh coconuts to gods  

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Against  government's attempts to tame the joint opposition Dinesh to dash one lakh coconuts to gods

 For attempting to tame the joint opposition Dinesh to dash one lakh coconuts to gods

The leader of the joint opposition in the government Dinesh Gunawardena is planning to dash one lakh coconuts to Gods in protest against the government's continuous aim to tame them. The
theme of this plea is : by god's grace go away".

This plea to gods is arranged to take place at the "Seenigama" devalaya on the 06th  of this month. After the initial coconuts dashing plea it would be continued at other recognised main devalayas it is reported.

From the dashed coconuts the intention is to make oil and to distribute them to other main devalayas has been added by the members of the joint opposition.

The leader of the joint opposition Dinesh Gunawardena had added that they were against all government activities to destabilise them and trying to tame them. Until all such activities are stopped the joint opposition would boycott all state ceremonies and functions.

In addition they hope to with supporters to organise peaceful democratic processes every Sunday the leader of the joint opposition had expressed.


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